Peace of mind through forgiving!
Building caring families, communities, and healthy organizations.
Welcome to the Forgiveness Foundation International site!
I am Dr. Jim Dincalci, the founder of this Foundation, which came out of a vision I had in 2000 of people helping each other forgive. We do this through:
- educating about the benefits of forgiving,
- teaching what prevents us from forgiving, and
- training on how to forgive.
We continued to learn what works and what doesn’t by staying up to date on the research articles and books, not only on forgiveness and neuroscience but also on other clinical research in psychology, sociology, and even anthropology, to make it easier for you to do this work and be much more peaceful and happier. We serve also as a resource for the religious communities to give additional useful tools on forgiving.

Nobel Peace Prize winner, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and his daughter acknowledged Dr. Jim Dincalci, our founder and director for his contribution to their forgiveness book and Jim’s spending “over twenty-five years counseling and teaching people who are struggling to forgive.”

What you need to know
When people let go of their resentments, grudges, guilt and upsets with themselves and others, we see kinder, more peaceful families, friendlier communities, and more creative, productive businesses and organization.
With increasing terrorism around the world and growing violence in our cities and schools, it is vital that we use the powerful tool of forgiveness to defuse bitterness, hostility, and desire for retaliation.
This most valuable and helpful action relieves the pain of upsetting situations, betrayal, guilt and grudges. But sadly, forgiveness is barely being used in conflict negotiations, psychology, mediation, or even, marriage & family therapy. The main reason for this unfortunate situation is untruths about what forgiveness is and isn’t. Please read on to learn more.

Get the Guide!
How to Forgive When You Can’t: The Breakthrough Guide to Free Your Heart ; Mind
The ultimate guide to forgiving. It provides proven, powerful methods that will help you get rid of your upsets for good—even those that seem unforgivable. This unique book reveals the secrets and essentials of forgiving for how to forgive what you can’t forget. It includes self-forgiveness. This book has sold 100,000 copies worldwide.
Helping Children and Teens Forgive: For Parents, Teachers, and Caregivers
This book is a guide for:
- how to help your child be happy
- how to heal child emotional pain
- helping your child be peaceful, freed of resentment, guilt, and anger.
- There are activities to help children’s emotional development and stress management resources for teens.
The Steps to Take for Complete Forgiveness: A Workbook (for self development and self compassion)
Be free of your resentments, hostility, and grudges for good.
- Gain self forgiveness and self love.
- Reduce stress and be much happier.
- Deal with the most awful things that were done to you.
- Handle how to forgive yourself for hurting someone.
- It’s about changes in life and healing your emotional self.
Forgiveness and Health: Scientific Evidence and Theories Relating Forgiveness to Better Health
What good is forgiveness? Who benefits? We answer these questions in this book by reviewing the state-of-the-art research on forgiveness and mental and physical health and well-being. People who forgive themselves and others will likely experience noticeable benefits. Learn what those might be in this book.

Why Forgive
When we don’t deal with our blame, resentments and grudges, they fester, leading to poor relationships, and depression or angry confrontations at best—vengeance and violence, at worst. Everyone involved is affected badly, sometimes for years. This does not need to happen. Research around the world has given us many tools in the past 30 years to help us forgive.